The Physics of Mal-Adaptation
To grasp the notion of chronic mal-adaptation, we have the opportunity to practice the principle itself in terms of deriving a solution by way of shift of VIEWPOINT. If we shift in thinking from Newtonian (noun) to Quantum (verb) the model makes more sense. We see that this is not a concept of nullifying an objective "condition" as much as re-formatting a subjective "loop." A place to initiate the shift of how we conceptualize mal-adaptation is to start with the status of one's subjectivity prior to the perceived traumatic experience. We begin to see that "trauma" did not occur randomly, but occurred in strong rapport with a pre-existing catalog of belief systems and narratives that attracted the event. Attraction occurs via frequencies that scan for events to verify your Viewpoint. This is an excellent place in the loop to introduce the therapy to resolve the problem. If we're affiliated with something negative, dis-associating from it is a good thing. Working with the physics therapeutically helps us surrender all negative elements of our interpretation and allows a new Viewpoint that scans for the silver lining of the story. This Viewpoint is not fleeting, it feels like arriving home. One can feel the whole body breathe a sigh of relief, drop its weapons, etc., and positive, organic, intuitive, creative energy is allowed to flow.
“The fix is close at hand when the consciousness of the person that harbors this spiraling rabbit hole is willing to take responsibility for the story and recognizes that the whole thing is founded on an absurd premise. The person must be willing to accept a temporary neutral state, LET GO of the story, then embrace a fix, honor the new narrative, and enlist the lobbyist to use that skill set for purposes based on integration, wholeness, creative expression, and fulfilling one’s destiny.”
A new story is crafted and should hold up to this litmus test: if you were offered the deal from a time machine that said it could go back to when your perceived trauma occurred and you could leapfrog over it to proceed “normally,” you would emphatically refuse the deal. You realize just how many pearls are in your satchel from having gone down this road and that now you have the opportunity to redirect the energies of a highly skilled and powerful lobbyist to support a new expression of yourself. The revivified self will have a new platform of self concept, that knows that life is not haphazard and random, we are not victims of circumstance, but rather, we create the events of our life for specific upgrades in learning, consciousness and soul growth. We learn the tools along the way that not all achievement is linear. We need to get acquainted with how powerful the forces are around surrender, LETTING GO and turning matters over to higher domains and refined frequencies.
Chronic mal-adaptation is rampant
Our beingness is a remarkable confluence of systems that thrive to exude a sense of purpose in a joyful way. Codes for healing, happiness, creativity, etc., are in our DNA and on our hard drives. Unfortunately, it has become rare to come across someone who personifies this description. We believe current personal malady and social upheaval are so prevalent, not because that's just human nature, but because the best nature embedded in our potential has been hijacked. Chronic mal-adaptation is rampant. We will try to explain how this process takes over and becomes a vicious cycle. Understanding the cycle helps you stop and reverse it. Once it is recognized, you know to stop throwing logs on the fire.
The body has remarkable faculties for positive homeostasis allowing us to stay in equilibrium as life’s threats challenge our balance and stability. These same mechanisms, when not attended to, can fall prey to propaganda and take on new objectives to run programs that are mal-adaptive, and take over autonomic functions for an ulterior motive.
Fortunately advanced developments in KINESIOLOGY allow us to query the body's inner record-keeping system directly in regard to how mired the system is by these chronic, divisive mal-adaptations. The metaphor that has surfaced is: “How many cooks are currently in the kitchen?” The body displays a Kitchen status and elegantly prioritizes the measures to be taken therapeutically to re-engineer the system back to a positively biased and singularly focused system. A positively biased system runs the body optimally and allows for an ease of expression of our most authentic self.
This person is an example of the body emanating multiple displays of frequencies from “too many cooks in the kitchen.” All but one are run by ulterior, mal-adaptive strategies and need to be resolved.
This person has re-engineered her chronic mal-adaptation by a change of narrative and a shift of physics and is now consolidated as a “one cook kitchen”
cast of characters/cooks in the kitchen/lobbyists
Call these what you will, unfortunately, to our extensive detriment each of us typically has a unique constellation of mal-adaptive strategies. We will meet them now, learn what departments they are in charge of, as well as examine some cronyism in terms of alliances made among them. All of these are hyper-inflammatory, hyper-immune and auto-immune. They are insecure, dig their heels in and can ask for help from the others to mal-collaborate.
+ cheif of pineal gland function
We use a test kit that contains 75 of the Core Emotions that are typically engaged when we start to script a narrative of resistance, victimization, or a self-critique of damaged goods. An early recruit and hire into the Oval Office is a faculty or mechanism that is adept at editing and sequestering the pineal gland. This is relevant in that the pineal can be seen, metaphorically, as a pie with multiple pieces that would make up its wholeness. The pieces are the EMOTIONS that should constitute the entire profile of feelings that are available to us. Mal-adaptation provides short-run relief at the expense of long-term dis-association and biasing. The head of this department can cut out the pieces of the pie that are unpleasant, which might assist in getting us through the day, but also sets up the "La La Land" effect, similar to the expression one exudes when one has resorted to anti-depressant pharmacology. When this is set in motion, there is a price tag, with the pineal gland now compromised by the excision of emotion(s), the other pineal functions will also take a hit. INSOMNIA and HORMONAL ISSUES are close at hand, as is a reduction of the body’s ability to maintain strong deterrent to chronic illness like cancer, alzheimer’s disease, etc.
I had the privilege of learning a body of work known as Sonar Cardiography. It involves a protocol for assessing kinesiologically, the heart sounds and a set of inferences that can be made as to just what is going on between a power struggle between the HEAD and HEART. Ideally, in a one cook kitchen, or an Oval Office with no bias from lobbyists, the consciousness resides predominantly in the heart where there are massive resources available for our intuitive and inner guidance mechanisms. Our inner scan should come from here as should our communication and empathy systems. The head should be a loyal soldier and be involved in implementing the insights generated by the heart. (If this has come up for you when we do a mal-adaptation scan, I encourage you to read "The Heart’s Code" by Paulsen). When we take on this coping strategy and relocate from heart to head, we get a short-term repreive from our inner narrative, but pay a large price for the bandaid. The qualities of intuitiveness, healing codes, coordinates of compassion, etc., are left behind and the head takes on new assignments for attitude, justifications, categorizing, and canstantly schemeing to be right. (Ponder the slogan, "Would you rather be right or happy?"). Clinically, when the patient listens to their own heart sounds (which can be a profound experience in and of itself!), the body produces a file on a variety of conditions that coerce consciousness into the head and asks for therapeutic measures that shift various dynamics so that we are naturally beaconed back to residency in the heart.
By definition, any ancillary cooks in the kitchen or lobbyists in command central will exert their influence in ways that will be carried out compulsively and with a narrow focus. The point is to see that this all comes from a mal-adaptive VIEWPOINT and is functioning not in accordance with our integrated, higher interest. Rather, it is the folly of our narrative that seeks so-called repairs for itself. Revisiting a perceived point in time where we felt we were knocked off our feet and survival was threatened can set up a beacon that attracts us with full throttle compulsivity if we carry the delusion that we can "re-do" that juncture in CONTROL and on our terms. All lobbyists in one's inner "cabinet" are there because they get paychecks from our subconsciousness that is so aligned to our NARRATIVE. If our story contains aspects that say we could be annihilated, enter a deep abyss, or be hit by a tsunami of emotional pain, and that a given lobbyist can safeguard us from the actualization of these apprehensions, the game is on for that mechanism to be paid top dollar. It can then run amok and hijack our VIEWPOINT. Upon resolution of these underlying defects that the body prioritizes and shows us exactly how to repair, the racket of obsession and compulsivity sputter to a halt, as logs are no longer thrown on those fires.
The coping mechanisms of projection and externalization are other adverse infiltrations to our prime directive. If an interpretation is running that is not necessarily comfortable, when an individual's threshold is met, this lobbyist will save the day by activating its physics apparatus that externalizes the problem onto other people or situations. A second layer of camouflage makes a fix that's much more elusive as we start to champion a cause against the very thing that is an unresolved component within ourselves. Projection of a positive is also a problem. We see this in sports arenas as well as over identification with nationalism. When we see guys in stadiums come to life when they beat their chests and yell, “Go, Packers”, or “Kill the son of a bitch” for example, this person needs to reclaim their own personal power. This projection department reached its peak of audacity a few years back when the funeral industry teamed up with the NFL and sold countless caskets covered with the team logo. Pretty sad when a whole life is memorialized by a token of displaced power. The body usually exhibits an elegant personal protocol for a reintegration of power to take place, often setting up an outlet for expression in advance, before the inner merge takes place, knowing this is essential for maintaining the correction.
Unfortunately, this graphic compensation to underlying weak links is showing up at epidemic levels in our society. The lobbyist comes on board with a pledge to do whatever is necessary to keep the persona out of pain and perception of misery or a feeling of uselessness. In 12 step work, they refer to this mechanism as being “cunning, baffling, and powerful” in its resourcefulness to keep the drug of choice available and fully effective in producing inebriation. Kinesiology will almost always go upstream and cut the paycheck to this department by reformatting ones personal story so that inner misery turns to wisdom. When this happens there is no need to make payments to a team of inner disassociators. One no longer sees the drug of choice as life-saving when a new sense of self starts to savor its integrated version of itself. The addict temporarily feels ripped off in that attaining a fix no longer rings the bell. There is an indifference to the notion of acting out the addictive mechanism. An entire collaboration with the Law of Attraction crumbles and the individual exits the culture that has been established with other addicts, and moves into healthy association, inwardly and outwardly. When this lobbyist loses his job (or even better, his cleverness is harnessed toward a new, positive purpose), one walks away from the culture of addiction with a sense of victory and inner mastery.
This lobbying bureaucracy operates multiple subdivisions. It mixes and matches and is clever enough to keep itself subtle and societally endorsed so that it flies under the radar and is seldom perceived as a mechanism of error that needs to be amended. An example would be the new access through technology of tv shows where season after season of shock value entertainment can be consumed on a binge basis, the diversion literally running endlessly. Second tier endorsement takes place when we converse about the latest developments with our network of friends and it gives us a sense of community as we relate about the characters. The same thing happens in the world of retail therapy when it is a bridge into the world of “keeping up with the Jones’” and we feel connected and possibly ahead of the game as we discuss the latest and greatest commodities and can boast our ability for ownership. One has a hard time breaking these types of lobbyist cajole when it is tied to a sense of self esteem. Computers can be used diagnostically in a Kinesiology setting. We can isolate our inner chinks of the armor and weak links in the chain when we see the overview of what soothes us with online diversion. It’s hard to climb out of a rabbit hole if we don't know we’ve gone down one. Kinesiology is always trying get the core being to break out of its trance. Realigning these time wasting affiliations is the first step to a more fruitful use of attention and time. I remember hearing as a child that if someone were to take all the time spent watching tv and used that to play piano, for example, he or she would play at concert level easily. When this lobbyist can no longer exert influence, we can gravitate to endeavors that bring out the best of us and free us from this chronic placating. If we are being guided by our own creativities and purposes of life, the notion of binge consumption of diversion seems absurd.
In more of an assistant role to our growing list of ill-motived saboteurs, there is mechanism for altering the brain's bio-chemistry that is activated to perpetuate the constancy of a given lobbyist’s objective. Many of the primary mechanisms that send memoranda to this department intentionally solicit the support of altered brain chemistry like DOPAMINE, SEROTONIN, ADRENALINE, CORTISOL, etc., as well as molecules that promote HABIT and ADDICTION. (Often big business will meddle with these internal chemistries in an effort to sell more bad foods.) Often when one is trying to use our system to reclaim a singular, unified persona, the physics might get clear, the belief systems reformatted, emotions converted to favorable context, and narratives now ensconced in an attitude of gratitude, yet the sense of completion eludes us or is not sustainable under the stress of certain provocations. The residual patterning of cycles of DOPAMINE SURGING and the cellular memories of ADRENALINE RUSH, for example, sabotage the fix, by wanting us to recapture that feeling. At Viewpoint Wellness, as part of any visit, the body is queried about the biochemistry and will lead us to the remedy, if it is on board. One avenue of resolve is to check in with the department of genetics and see if the person may have inherited a gene that results in the deficiency of a certain enzyme(s) that hinders the body’s ability to break down and clear various fight-or-flight and stimulatory neuro-transmitters. The body will respond kinesiologicaly when it has what it needs to arrest the imbalance of molecules and have a revitalized pathway for ongoing equilibrium and homeostasis bio-chemically. This is a very solid fix within itself but also lends significant support to the other issues that have been addressed in regard to the other mal-adaptations.
This inner strategist is almost never unemployed and works 24/7 in an effort to maintain an adaptive stability in the body by operating as a gate between the conscious system and the subconscious. In the discernment process from this office, if anything appears to be of a disruptive nature, it will likely be shunted to the subconscious before it even enters the person’s conscious awareness. This can be a useful faculty if it is programmed for a favorable discernment of material to assist the core self, but it is often taken over by the lobby system and undergoes its editing function to make sure we stay unaware of just how many cooks might be in our kitchen. Some very useful techniques are available to reboot the system and make sure the faculty itself allies with the pursuit of wholeness and breaks rank with serving the mal-adaptive pursuits of a crowded kitchen. It is my experience that when this comes up specifically for a patient, that he/she will have accompanying TMJ problems. This is the result of the recruited masseter muscle, which when the subconscious wants to mitigate with the conscious by way of the dreams, causes the jaw to clamp down to deny access, thus stressing the teeth and TMJ. This can then compromise any or all of the five acupuncture meridians that pass through this complex and result in downstream illness and deficiency. To deny the paycheck to this staff person, a change of context will render the whole department irrelevant: when it becomes a conscious INTENTION that we want the conscious and the subconscious to always be merged and integrated vs suppressed and segregated, this gatekeeping has no purpose whatsoever. A key endeavor in our clinic is to shift enough context and create enough self-propagating wholeness, that the 24/7 function is on the lookout for renegade processes and is designed to reel them in like a rancher brings a stray sheep back to the herd.
When we are in a process that makes us feel like that something happened that we had no say in or that we were (or still are) denied some critical resource, a mal-adaptive mechanism is incepted as a retaliation to the ongoing narrative. There is a script writer and a gyroscope that team up and work 24/7 to concoct a “re-do” of the narrative, returning to the scene of the crime over and over again in an effort to relive it, this time from a context that we have CONTROL of it, have POWER to deflect the adversity, or devise an overcompensated degree of resource to atone for the scarcity. This cycle is by definition compulsory and and relief is short lived, and like in addiction, there is usually a return for more. At Viewpoint Wellness we breakdown the mis-associations, and flawed narratives that fuel the cycle, and restore a new set of associations and install a story that is one of silver lining. When this is achieved, this lobbyist leaves the building and authenticity and integration is reclaimed. Loss of thought and worldview, the shutting down of emotions (mitigated by the pineal gland), the shift of VIEWPOINT from heart to head, a mental alchemy that changes verb experience into noun pigeonhole (in an attempt to reclaim CONTROL), the establishment of defense mechanisms, finding preoccupations so that there is little room for the story to plague us, disassociative processes, addictions, projections, minimizations, etc., ceases. It is the sum total of these processes that when each takes on a life of its own, enslave us and lower the bar substantially in regard to quality of life. Before we know it, we consider a given day to be a good one that spared us from calamity or attack. Long lost is the anticipation that love, connection, trust, creativity, and purpose might permeate our being and express through us. I feel it is worthwhile to explore this political cabinet that taints us, so we might recognize ourselves when under their jurisdiction, as it is out of this Viewpoint of seeing ourselves in this mire, that we can liberate ourselves from it.
+ Additional Recourses
Head of defense. Agenda in sub conscious that shoots at anything that moves, body armoring,
Fight flight autonomic nervous system, reactive human interaction
Head of addiction. Conniving strategies that has a staff for denial, access to drug of choice regardless, law of attraction. Rationale. Secrecy
Head of security of subconscious. Delegates content to subconscious.Will suppress anything that threatens the scaffolding of survival. Then maintains 24/7 security to keep the two domains very separate
Chief of Emotion Editing. Pineal gland is the head of emotional disconnect. Very adept at smothering unwanted feelings
Chief of Control. Will always want to re-enact the scene of the crime but this time with CONTROL factor. Makes it very difficult to let go of something
Chief of dis-association. Radar for alcohol, Must be inebriated. Avoids the pain of life
Chief of over compensation. Little Napoleon complex
Chief of power
Chief of projection. Lets mitigate via externalizing the problem
Chief of rationale and avoidance. Lets keep narrative alive of passing the buck
Chief of Head-Heart Disparity
Obsessive/Compulsive department
Head of Heart to Head technology
Head of trying to order the inner via the outer
Alleged Causal Events that Create Incoherence and Start an Error of Narrative
+ rejection
(A bad review from a parent, boyfriend or girlfriend, or the public if in regard to a creative expression, a college acceptance committee, etc.)
Ensuing Story: I’m not qualified, I'll never amount to much of anything, no one will ever understand me. Likely hires to the cabinet. CHIEF of OVER-COMPENSATION. (I'll show them! I’ll become all powerful and hyper successful as a form of retaliation and oversolving the power deficit)
Story: people can't stay together, People will pursue self interest as opposed to staying in a coupled state, I will never be able to stay in a family because my own was fractured, etc.
Cabinet hire: CHIEF of ALTERNATE CONNECTION (addicted to online dating, chatting, pornography etc). CHIEF of BODY SYSTEMS. (cajoles reproductive system, chronic masturbation, for example)
+ Emotional trauma
+ Physical trauma
+ Psychological trauma
examples of mal-adaptive strategies
a war decree between the conscious and subconscious
When we buy into a conventional mindset that the subconscious needs to be highly sequestered. This comes from an assumption that it is a suitable perspective to act in accordance with a war decree between the conscious and subconscious. Most mal-adaptive mechanisms have cloaked themselves in clever ways to prevent detection and ensure their survival. In this scenario, we may get a payoff from staying in this perspective because it gives us a sense of control that we can be the editor of our inner content. There is also a social acceptance dividend that we can remain connected with others via a subliminal frequency of corroboration of this mechanism in our field that is now in intersection with another field; there's a component that says, “I'll help you hold up your sequestration, if you help me hold up mine” (wink, wink), (wink, wink).
+ Scenario & Outcome: Subconscious under lock and key results in binge watching Netflix
The war decree should have never been signed off on by this individual. He/she bought a bill of goods that this is a noble cause to keep the subconscious under lock and key, essentially endorsing a policy of segregation. The Point of View is the glue that keeps the machinery running and an offshoot of it might be secondary Points of View that now are in charge of surveillance of the unknown material held in the safe. Other devices (Points of View) join the team, perhaps galvanizing defense mechanisms if someone starts to share his or her own content and chinking the armor some.
The character in this example starts to experience chronic fatigue, anxiety issues, TMJ problems, etc., (the subconscious tries to join ranks with the core being via dreams). As part of the safeguarding to keep that content out of the loop, the jaw, via the strongest muscle in the body, the Masseter, clenches and grinds down on the teeth at night in an attempt to stave off the visit from the subconscious). We've had numerous cases over the years when a patient has confessed they pick pieces of their teeth out of their mouths in the morning following a night of exceptional efforts on behalf of this program.
Certain recourses are sought and the patient not only has extreme jaw pain, but now has headaches, insomnia and depression. Digestive issues are also showing up evidenced by bouts of heartburn. Depression and anxiety also make an appearance. The patient is feeling an escalation of these issues.
Appointments are made to get releif. A dentist recommends the use of a mouth guard. A chiropractor adjusts the neck for TMJ. A doctor prescribes pain killers, antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. A support group is sought to gain support. Outlook on life tanks.
The belief systems of impending malady further skew the Law of Attraction and an even stronger beacon emits from the distorted field attracting more evidence for the tainted perspective. The patient ceases to be functional and spends most of his/her time binge watching Shameless on Netflix.
a mal-adaptvie feedback loop
A feedback loop gets established that becomes autonomous and hires a lobbyist, so that this can run subconsciously. We then see the need to cease the functioning of a chronic mal-adaptation. Metaphorically, its tempting here to want to evict the lobbyist if that were possible, but that would not be a very good example of wholistic, integrative health care. What needs to happen here is to preserve the essential qualities of the lobbyist, (qualities like perseverance, focus, tenacity, passion, dutifulness, loyalty to the cause, state of the art beacon technology, etc). This lobbyist is not sinister by nature, but was lured into a very errant assignment. The remedy occurs when the consciousness of the person realizes that the narrative error is what is supplying a paycheck to the mal-adaptive cause and the first order of business is to stop that payoff and bring a halt to all the compensatory projects.
+ Scenario & Outcome: Mal-adaptive feedback loop unhealthy eating results in the body's loss of normal physiology
One very common adaptive maneuver is to utilize body function for short term solace, but then it gets away from us. For instance, a child experiences the cruelty of corporal punishment and is lost in a tsunami of shame, guilt, inadequacy, etc., he/she feels like life is now unpredictable and cannot be trusted. There is a reduced sense of self and increased vulnerability. The condition is not correcting itself and each day feels torturous to get through. Spontaneously one day he/she consumes a piece of pie at a friends house then a second one and feels a euphoria as the sugar buzz temporarily drops vulnerability off the radar and the absence of it feels like salvation, a value placed on it much higher than is merited. The next day he/she instinctively seeks another pie experience but finds that a candy bar can achieve a similar effect. Over time now he/she feels increasing euphoria not only because of glucose in her system, but now because he/she can CONTROL the experience and he/she no longer feels helpless, having no say in the overall state of affairs. As it advances, his/her body form changes and there is now a few inches of insulation, that provides a sense of safety that hasn’t been there for some time. A feedback loop gets established now that has three layers, that now becomes autonomous and hires a lobbyist so that this can run subconsciously. In this example, a fourth layer can take root when the person joins a support group and discovers a label and diagnosis for the condition which feels fuzzy because it puts the blame on the outside and he/she feels love and camaraderie among the new friends that are in a similar saga. Now an ever present force that beacons and schemes for sugar, insulation, support, etc., is in the Oval Office and will establish a very bad diet, under the delusion that it is a perfect, lifesaving diet. The body has lost its inner compass for normal physiology and tone as it has given way to mal-adaptation that now serves an ulterior motive.