We Sense a Saboteur is on Board


Consciously we might envision and strive for a more optimum disposition, and hence circumstances, but we sense a SABOTEUR is on board that always wins out and thwarts our best intentions. This would be an accurate perception, in that the subconscious is a much stronger force and unfortunately, it has taken on various programs of disaster that the conscious can not possibly out-muscle.

These internal stories that are our anchor point and the central locus of our Viewpoint, take on a life of their own, taint perspective and alter the Law of Attraction adversely. Our Oval Office is no longer unanimous, and in alliance with our authentic self, our creativity, and our destiny, rather, it has been hijacked by lobbyists that divide and enslave our most fundamental impetus. The bar becomes lowered and a good day is one that disaster is averted, rather than one where authenticity naturally comes forth. The work done in our office takes this scenario head on and first of all, corrects the aberrant physics, which then allow us to amend the narrative and see the issue from a different perspective. 

When our Point of View shifts from a damaged goods story to one of a script about silver lining and realizing we have learned something in the process that we could not have possibly received such a gift via any other avenue, our whole being makes a quantum leap forward.

We can encourage this shift by disengaging from problem based and fear situated PERSPECTIVE, and the associated narratives that support them, and move into a revised point of reference. We learn to LET GO of putting solution on a given PROBLEM, and reconstruct our perceptive base with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. The lemon converts to lemonade. This shift will convert the adaptive resource, perseverance and steadfastness from a negative costly pursuit, into an alliance with a beneficial one that is now invested in optimum health and the expression of our highest potential. 

The litmus test for assessing our new perspective should be that, hypothetically, if we could go back in time and through some advanced technology, the offer was made to leapfrog over the story of woe and just fast forward back onto easy street, that we would reject the proposal because there would be the absence of the learning piece and there are no pearls in our being. Our perspective, having arrived at the resolution of our saga, is no longer to hold a story of being victim to objective, malicious forces, but rather we see why we CHOSE and orchestrated the story for the exceptional degree of benefit we have derived from it. Ultimately you see that you created the story and have cashed in on the reasons for it and build further Viewpoint on that premise. You have learned so much, have acquired a new skill of being able to LET GO and re-invent point of reference, that you would not trade it.  You know that you have the power to evaporate noxious stories and perspectives that no longer serve you!

This is a cherishable set of coordinates within our map of inner perspective and we should own it and familiarize ourselves with it, and know it is our rock of Gibraltar for the future and share it with others. Our inner radar then attracts verification for the silver lining story and this will be perceived as a positive point of inner reference that was previously unimaginable. Autonomic systems in the body are realigned to optimal programs and countless downstream conditions and diagnoses collapse. We know to no longer throw logs on the previous story of woe, but rather bask in a place of positive anticipation for opportunities to be all that we can be as life unfolds.