Affirmation Slogans Beyond a Motto

I think its safe to say that current times are very challenging for the human psyche to keep pace with.  The human condition clamors for some reprieve from the frenzy and pace of things.  Out of a despair to reclaim meaning and authenticity to everyday life,  people will grasp at countless slogans that permeate the self help elements of this Information Age in a hopefulness that, “if only i could fulfill that slogan, everything would right itself”.  A  portion of our work here at Viewpoint is to examine the paradox as to why the throb of an affirmation approach to a slogan rarely works and then to provide a therapeutic effect that will resolve the impasse and actually allow a slogan to go beyond a motto and allow the person to embody the essence of what that slogan is trying to provide.

Change happens at the level of the subconscious, which is exponentially more powerful than the conscious.  Instead of trying to out-muscle the conscious with an external tenet that is the opposite of what we are currently running left to our own devices,  we recognize that the change we seek is distinctly possible, but must come about in a sequence of shifts that re-engineer the memoranda in the subconscious that is negative, to an inventory of positive association that yields a result we’ve been looking for.

To embody a slogan it must become internalized as a living dynamic that is so rooted into our fiber that there is no need to mantrasize it.  (in fact doing so is counter productive in that the subconscious will resist it and figure that the conscious system is in relative despair that it would have to resort to such a tactic). In order to achieve the shift we are seeking, the first order of business is to erase the current paint on the canvas of our point of view / consciousness.  In our subjective experience, this takes the form of Letting Go.  In physics, it takes the form of converting incoherent frequencies that polarize and divide thought and awareness, to coherent frequencies that have the opposite effect of unifying, forgiving, reconciliation, etc.  The idea of letting go shifts from a terrorizing proposition to a welcome choice that yields a result we’ve been looking for.  We are pre-approved to be able to take a slogan that we are drawn to and truly embody it, as if we were reconnecting to an old friend.

Here are some slogans that I like.  Imagine the inner shift within yourself if you were to awaken an actual mechanism that was the natural epitome of the slogan and extrapolate this change to the collective unconscious as it spread among human beings, then picture how our sociology would be different as a reflection of it.

Let Go and let God

Fake it till you Make it

What you resist persists

Shift from problem based to solution based. (this invites us to live as if we were already IN the solution)

Call your Spirit back   

Refrain from judgement until you’ve walked a mile in your adversary’s moccasins

Never eat the yellow snow

Have keen discernment when picking your battles

Health care is more about teaching one how to fish as opposed to providing fish


It is easy during the course of a treatment session to specifically use a slogan that the patient believes in, but the results continue to be elusive, and ask the body precisely what the inner obstacles are that keep the result at bay.  When these issues are modified in a way that inner detriment becomes inner asset, the slogan quality naturally percolates.

Sometimes the body will mandate that we visit this department of slogans when it knows that a dysfunction around the tenet of a particular slogan is a known obstacle to that persons advancement from some other underlying malady.  The resolve of any of these will impart a new skill set to the person which promotes the capacity for accurate self critique and self healing.

When contemplating what you want to get out of a given visit, give some thought to a slogan that you particularly want to embody and we can work with it.  The shift in yourself is your responsibility and this work will help you accomplish this.  The shift in the collective unconscious will be affected as it resonates with your positive change.