“It is not the bug, it’s the Terrain”

One principle that is a necessary component in regards to trying to affect a healing process is to examine the very nature of the HABITAT in which the problem exists. This idea dates back to the time of Louis Pasteur, who on his deathbed, made a profound statement. He said as his dying words,“It is not the bug, it’s the Terrain” This was a shock to his followers in hearing the father of Germ Theory proclaim that his whole life work was misguided and built on a false premise. He encouraged his followers at that moment of truth to not invest in the study of killing bugs, but rather, to focus on the restoration of an optimal inner terrain, that would spawn health and not welcome illness. A metaphor we use frequently is the notion of a hotel on the highway. If a car is a germ or illness, when it passes a possible host, is the signage, “VACANCY” or “NO VACANCY”. This will reflect a fundamental inner status, are we self declared as either a HARBORER of malady or a DISPELLER.

This concept permeates most of the methodologies used in the Viewpoint Wellness approach. If one is in a place of relative integration, physiologically, neurologically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, illness will have no foothold in which to take up residency. If one is segregated or dormant in the same regards, it is a matter of time until disease will spawn.

One initial query that is part the commencement of a treatment session is, “what is the status of ones Association Web. Lets look at the vocabulary involved.

ASSOCIATED. Defined as, “a person or thing connected with something else”

In our work this is a very necessary pre-requisite to even attempt to find our way into a diagnostic frame of reference that will garner results for the person. A metaphor for this preliminary inquisition is, “ before we start, How many cards are on the table here, please?” As we see from other sections, mal-adaptation schemes and the work of inner lobbyists, can adversely affect the ASSOCIATION settings in an effort to fulfill their objective of not having to feel pain, diversion, overcompensation etc) see section on cooks in the kitchen for more info. In a typical, real life scenario, with a patient on my table, you can almost feel a “pie graph” of the association profile of the person, some percentage PRESENT, some transferred out of the person via PROJECTION (a coping mechanism), some percentage in full SHUTDOWN (denial), some percentage delegated to the SUBCONSCIOUS, etc

DISASSOCIATED. The term here refers to the example above being disconnected or shut down. A metaphor for this is the notion of the instrument panel in your car. If a light comes on from the sensory system that indicates, oil pressure problem, for example, this is designed to alert the driver to some possible preventative remedy for what might otherwise become a significant, damage to the vehicle. DISASSOCIATION is an endeavor to attempt recourse by snipping the wire to the indicator light and dismissing it from awareness. Unfortunately, this is a common and even encouraged response and BIG PHARMA makes trillions of dollars of revenue by luring us into such a mal-adaptive mechanism.

DYSASSOCIATED. The term that defines the mal-adaptation of PROJECTION or TRANSFERENCE onto other people or phenomena. Sometimes in order to reverse a chronic story off ill health, an early order of business ( and the body’s priority) is to reclaim responsibility for an association where outer circumstances are to blame for the current state of affairs. Techniques similar to PSYCHO- DRAMA might be utilized to, as CAROLINE MYSS aptly says, CALL YOUR SPIRIT back into yourself from a displacement (dysassociation), so that it can be re-engineered with a favorable outcome.

When we address this preliminary role call of ASSOCIATION, a significant amount of healing and resolve happen spontaneously as the body is reconnected to its own self-healing mechanisms. Many items on ones laundry list of symptoms will drop off the radar by this return to a more integrated state. If certain conditions prevail, the system has been highly upgraded in its proficiency for accurate and thorough self diagnosis via the kinesiology and is primed to process therapeutic measures in an enhanced way. Inner self reflection should include a pondering from this reference point of inquiry. “Before I react in a predictable, patterned way, what is my current state of association? Should i self correct, perhaps before I go to battle?”