On average, a typical adult will have 6 or 7 mal-adaptive schemes running continuously that cumulatively account for 95% of one's stress profile. This mal-adaptive infiltration has direct contact to one's Law of Attraction Technology and will activate it to rotate in a turnstile of ongoing verification experiences and events, in an effort to feel a coherency between the inner and outer. In physics, incoherent frequencies are prevalent at two sites, the frequencies that hold up our distorted inner world view and the frequencies that are the attractor beam that further fuel a vicious cycle.
A central directive of our effort to enhance the wellness of one's Viewpoint, is to unlock both domains of negatively biased frequencies, then use the short interval of neutrality where we are untethered by the frequencies, to reformat and re-engineer the subconscious, so that we become POSITIVELY tainted and life becomes easier, happier and more fulfilling with a revived Law of Attraction that now has a radar for positive events.
An awareness shift is necessary here to recognize that stress isn’t as much as a product of life itself, but rather, a reflection of an inherent stress-ability, based on an error of perception and a story we author and execute from within.
It is encouraging to know that a significant downsizing of disturbance within, can come about simply by a key shift of perspective; moving to the place of ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. This modification will start an alchemy process that starts scanning for the silver lining component and silence the radar that would scan for more subsequent negative and corroborating experience. It is critical to shift this narrative if one truly wants to get to a point where power is reclaimed and the Point of View of silver lining is established. The most significant malady that befalls us is not the trauma, per se, but interpretation that is built on false premise. It is the internal story that initiates vast response in the body that is mal-adaptive. The result is the inception of a subjective narrative that is utilized to try to make sense of the insult and reclaim a sense of stability and order. If the story were modified based on insightful perception as to why the rippling scenario was chosen, the resultant physiological reactions would be favorable as opposed to detrimental.
Healing happens in a very precise juncture where perspective makes an introspection accurately (52 cards on the table, fully associated, no denials and projections, etc.) When self and circumstance are PONDERED from this VIEWPOINT, consciousness shifts and we are invited into a perspective that is insightful and enlightened. We thank the scenario that brought about the opportunity, as we know that our new world view and what it will attract, is who we truly are and we know to let this animate our being.