When the proposal is made there is no cheese at the end of the maze of mal-adaptation and a talon grip on a position of fear, and in contrast, significant dividend awaits in the process of LETTING GO, a look of terror might gloss over your eyes. From the wrong vantage point, the notion of letting something roll off your back, not taking the bait of something entangling, or being more discerning about picking one's battles, there is a sense that one would drop into a selfless abyss if the grip on the wheel were loosened and is associated with non-existence and the thought of LETTING GO evokes a trembling fear.
The process in our office, that came about from years of observing the kinesiological information from the body, makes this proposal not only less daunting, but actually sets it up in a way that it seems inviting and a long overdue resolve, where you breathe a sigh of relief that a bad dream is coming to a close. Our work here encourages you to make this sort of shift from within by way of your own foot steps. The fix is not spoon fed like how a drug might mask a symptom. Rather, you are given a map and compass with an objective to ponder internally, which spawns a specific, personal shift inside and allows for the emergence of your more favorable aspects.
Our therapeutic modalities bring you to an inner juncture where an event happens in regard to perspective. It is you, who with the help of the map of perspective and a few shifts in frequencies, readily makes the leap into optimum. This is very empowering and goes along with the teaching how to fish parable. We have found that this breakthrough is more probable when we can see our mal-adaptive tangent specifically as opposed to vaguely. When this process is set in motion, sometimes we reach junctures where we forget where we are in the process or we are lured back into previous patterns and conditioning. Sometimes lobbyists don’t leave without throwing a final tantrum or two.