An avenue to ideal health and fulfillment through a shift in VIEWPOINT

A Typical Protocol

A likely patient that matches up well with Viewpoint Wellness has probably already expended quite a bit of effort and tried various modalities to find resolution for a health issue, but with no tangible improvement to show for it. You are justifiably frustrated and miffed at the tenacity of your malady and its persistence to maintain its grip. Sometimes even the heavy-handed efforts of conventional medicine have failed to deliver on the intention of eradicating the disease, which further dis-empowers you. 


After a review and an examination of presenting symptoms and taking a history of the various complaints you have, treatments from our holistic approaches might be given to stabilize the condition. A discussion ensues with you about the difficulties upstream that set the stage for the current story. The interview might at this point uncover overall patterns and cycles that rule you or perhaps clarify possible compulsory instincts that divert attention and flaw VIEWPOINT. It is our job to assist you in finding inner perspective and self-reliance. Our strategy shifts emphasis from relief of symptoms to assessing and treating powerful compensatory mechanisms upstream. When chronic mal-adaptation is arrested, not only is immune function and physiology restored, we also pave the way for optimal health on all levels. 

Beyond (Dr. Drew’s) extensive education and training, he has an amazing ability to interpret what is really going on with the body and in turn uncover core points that are beneficial to address - physically and/or emotionally.
— Loretta Zapp

our model in action

A patient will feel a new sense of hopefulness that the real issue that needs to be amended is finally being discussed, understood, and more importantly, amenable to treatment. Light makes its' appearance at the end of the tunnel. Clinical work now starts kinesiologically with shared enthusiasm that the true cause is on the table now and the process of re-engineering the dynamics that feed it can start. In a model like this, conditions die on the vine when the issues that feed them are diverted to better causes. Particular techniques ferret out the rosters of cooks in our kitchen and lobbyists in our Oval Office and the causes for their residency are treated with a wide variety of holistic tools.

Each flow, kinesiologically, within a treatment visit has a diagnostic component, followed by a therapeutic response. Each will bring you back to your core inner self in amazing efficiency, as the list of objectives is intelligently prioritized. You will know instinctively that we are heading in a direction that will bear fruit. A new VIEWPOINT emerges with each swath through the system. This Viewpoint is enhancing and empowering, and we make it clear to you that it was YOU who brought on the healing. We simply provided a map and somewhat slanted the field in your favor.

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