We Sense a Saboteur is on Board


Consciously we might envision and strive for a more optimum disposition, and hence circumstances, but we sense a SABOTEUR is on board that always wins out and thwarts our best intentions. This would be an accurate perception, in that the subconscious is a much stronger force and unfortunately, it has taken on various programs of disaster that the conscious can not possibly out-muscle.

These internal stories that are our anchor point and the central locus of our Viewpoint, take on a life of their own, taint perspective and alter the Law of Attraction adversely. Our Oval Office is no longer unanimous, and in alliance with our authentic self, our creativity, and our destiny, rather, it has been hijacked by lobbyists that divide and enslave our most fundamental impetus. The bar becomes lowered and a good day is one that disaster is averted, rather than one where authenticity naturally comes forth. The work done in our office takes this scenario head on and first of all, corrects the aberrant physics, which then allow us to amend the narrative and see the issue from a different perspective. 

When our Point of View shifts from a damaged goods story to one of a script about silver lining and realizing we have learned something in the process that we could not have possibly received such a gift via any other avenue, our whole being makes a quantum leap forward.

We can encourage this shift by disengaging from problem based and fear situated PERSPECTIVE, and the associated narratives that support them, and move into a revised point of reference. We learn to LET GO of putting solution on a given PROBLEM, and reconstruct our perceptive base with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. The lemon converts to lemonade. This shift will convert the adaptive resource, perseverance and steadfastness from a negative costly pursuit, into an alliance with a beneficial one that is now invested in optimum health and the expression of our highest potential. 

The litmus test for assessing our new perspective should be that, hypothetically, if we could go back in time and through some advanced technology, the offer was made to leapfrog over the story of woe and just fast forward back onto easy street, that we would reject the proposal because there would be the absence of the learning piece and there are no pearls in our being. Our perspective, having arrived at the resolution of our saga, is no longer to hold a story of being victim to objective, malicious forces, but rather we see why we CHOSE and orchestrated the story for the exceptional degree of benefit we have derived from it. Ultimately you see that you created the story and have cashed in on the reasons for it and build further Viewpoint on that premise. You have learned so much, have acquired a new skill of being able to LET GO and re-invent point of reference, that you would not trade it.  You know that you have the power to evaporate noxious stories and perspectives that no longer serve you!

This is a cherishable set of coordinates within our map of inner perspective and we should own it and familiarize ourselves with it, and know it is our rock of Gibraltar for the future and share it with others. Our inner radar then attracts verification for the silver lining story and this will be perceived as a positive point of inner reference that was previously unimaginable. Autonomic systems in the body are realigned to optimal programs and countless downstream conditions and diagnoses collapse. We know to no longer throw logs on the previous story of woe, but rather bask in a place of positive anticipation for opportunities to be all that we can be as life unfolds.

A Metaphor

This is a metaphor that describes mal-adaptation. One phenomena of it is that it sometimes hides itself behind a mask, not always, but sometimes. Our job is to help you point these things out. Our procedures help uncover what you might not be able to.  

A Metaphor: If someone is in jail and they’ve lost awareness of it because the cell is well adorned with things like fine art, a big screen TV, internet access, etc., all incentive to liberate is gone. A higher faculty (kinesiology) will display a paradoxical To Do List: strip this art off the wall and unplug the electronics! I need to see the truth of things, so I can truly get free! The system knows that the discomfort of this “wake-up call" is a small price to pay for the bounty that awaits on the other side of this perspective shift initially followed by a re-write of our inner script.



When the proposal is made there is no cheese at the end of the maze of mal-adaptation and a talon grip on a position of fear, and in contrast, significant dividend awaits in the process of LETTING GO, a look of terror might gloss over your eyes. From the wrong vantage point, the notion of letting something roll off your back, not taking the bait of something entangling, or being more discerning about picking one's battles, there is a sense that one would drop into a selfless abyss if the grip on the wheel were loosened and is associated with non-existence and the thought of LETTING GO evokes a trembling fear.

The process in our office, that came about from years of observing the kinesiological information from the body, makes this proposal not only less daunting, but actually sets it up in a way that it seems inviting and a long overdue resolve, where you breathe a sigh of relief that a bad dream is coming to a close. Our work here encourages you to make this sort of shift from within by way of your own foot steps. The fix is not spoon fed like how a drug might mask a symptom. Rather, you are given a map and compass with an objective to ponder internally, which spawns a specific, personal shift inside and allows for the emergence of your more favorable aspects.

Our therapeutic modalities bring you to an inner juncture where an event happens in regard to perspective. It is you, who with the help of the map of perspective and a few shifts in frequencies, readily makes the leap into optimum. This is very empowering and goes along with the teaching how to fish parable. We have found that this breakthrough is more probable when we can see our mal-adaptive tangent specifically as opposed to vaguely. When this process is set in motion, sometimes we reach junctures where we forget where we are in the process or we are lured back into previous patterns and conditioning. Sometimes lobbyists don’t leave without throwing a final tantrum or two.

What We Resist, Persists & an Attitude of Gratitude brings forth Resolve

Two slogans are pertinent at this juncture: What We Resist, Persists and An Attitude of Gratitude Brings Forth Resolve. This is where the rubber meets the road. We have been shown the truer nature of what we feel is the “problem” that is complete, and honest and integrated, we step into a point of view that can change the narrative of the story, and we are given an avenue of expression for the new inner reference point. What we do in that process can not be described in words here because it is such a specific, personalized epiphany that occurs. One typically wont know how it happened, but will know in no uncertain terms that they are now operating from a fresh, highly preferred, perspective! One typically will be retaining a semi-permanent acupuncture needle in their ear and have a playing field that is slanted in their favor by having the frequencies in their field all brought into a coherence that is the perfect milieu for positive change to take place.

The likelihood of being able to cross the finish line with this shift goes up if there is little or no ambiguity around the state we’re trying to let go of and we feel “drawn to in advance” of the disposition that is soliciting our presence and being. Some further articulation around the notion of “what compels us to do what we do” and “how many cooks are in my kitchen” or “why are these lobbyists segmenting my notions” may help to be able to more effectively pull the rug out from under these conditions that conflict us.

Each of us will have their own inner ‘cabinet” of infiltration in the Oval Office, based on our own unique histories and how well we have adapted to our personal sagas. I feel it is almost impossible to get well, if this government is in its aberrant version of itself. Sometimes an overhaul is in order.

Unlocking Negatively Biased Frequencies


On average, a typical adult will have 6 or 7 mal-adaptive schemes running continuously that cumulatively account for 95% of one's stress profile. This mal-adaptive infiltration has direct contact to one's Law of Attraction Technology and will activate it to rotate in a turnstile of ongoing verification experiences and events, in an effort to feel a coherency between the inner and outer. In physics, incoherent frequencies are prevalent at two sites, the frequencies that hold up our distorted inner world view and the frequencies that are the attractor beam that further fuel a vicious cycle.

A central directive of our effort to enhance the wellness of one's Viewpoint, is to unlock both domains of negatively biased frequencies, then use the short interval of neutrality where we are untethered by the frequencies, to reformat and re-engineer the subconscious, so that we become POSITIVELY tainted and life becomes easier, happier and more fulfilling with a revived Law of Attraction that now has a radar for positive events.

An awareness shift is necessary here to recognize that stress isn’t as much as a product of life itself, but rather, a reflection of an inherent stress-ability, based on an error of perception and a story we author and execute from within.

It is encouraging to know that a significant downsizing of disturbance within, can come about simply by a key shift of perspective; moving to the place of ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. This modification will start an alchemy process that starts scanning for the silver lining component and silence the radar that would scan for more subsequent negative and corroborating experience. It is critical to shift this narrative if one truly wants to get to a point where power is reclaimed and the Point of View of silver lining is established. The most significant malady that befalls us is not the trauma, per se, but interpretation that is built on false premise. It is the internal story that initiates vast response in the body that is mal-adaptive. The result is the inception of a subjective narrative that is utilized to try to make sense of the insult and reclaim a sense of stability and order. If the story were modified based on insightful perception as to why the rippling scenario was chosen, the resultant physiological reactions would be favorable as opposed to detrimental.

Healing happens in a very precise juncture where perspective makes an introspection accurately (52 cards on the table, fully associated, no denials and projections, etc.) When self and circumstance are PONDERED from this VIEWPOINT, consciousness shifts and we are invited into a perspective that is insightful and enlightened. We thank the scenario that brought about the opportunity, as we know that our new world view and what it will attract, is who we truly are and we know to let this animate our being.

“It is not the bug, it’s the Terrain”

One principle that is a necessary component in regards to trying to affect a healing process is to examine the very nature of the HABITAT in which the problem exists. This idea dates back to the time of Louis Pasteur, who on his deathbed, made a profound statement. He said as his dying words,“It is not the bug, it’s the Terrain” This was a shock to his followers in hearing the father of Germ Theory proclaim that his whole life work was misguided and built on a false premise. He encouraged his followers at that moment of truth to not invest in the study of killing bugs, but rather, to focus on the restoration of an optimal inner terrain, that would spawn health and not welcome illness. A metaphor we use frequently is the notion of a hotel on the highway. If a car is a germ or illness, when it passes a possible host, is the signage, “VACANCY” or “NO VACANCY”. This will reflect a fundamental inner status, are we self declared as either a HARBORER of malady or a DISPELLER.

This concept permeates most of the methodologies used in the Viewpoint Wellness approach. If one is in a place of relative integration, physiologically, neurologically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, illness will have no foothold in which to take up residency. If one is segregated or dormant in the same regards, it is a matter of time until disease will spawn.

One initial query that is part the commencement of a treatment session is, “what is the status of ones Association Web. Lets look at the vocabulary involved.

ASSOCIATED. Defined as, “a person or thing connected with something else”

In our work this is a very necessary pre-requisite to even attempt to find our way into a diagnostic frame of reference that will garner results for the person. A metaphor for this preliminary inquisition is, “ before we start, How many cards are on the table here, please?” As we see from other sections, mal-adaptation schemes and the work of inner lobbyists, can adversely affect the ASSOCIATION settings in an effort to fulfill their objective of not having to feel pain, diversion, overcompensation etc) see section on cooks in the kitchen for more info. In a typical, real life scenario, with a patient on my table, you can almost feel a “pie graph” of the association profile of the person, some percentage PRESENT, some transferred out of the person via PROJECTION (a coping mechanism), some percentage in full SHUTDOWN (denial), some percentage delegated to the SUBCONSCIOUS, etc

DISASSOCIATED. The term here refers to the example above being disconnected or shut down. A metaphor for this is the notion of the instrument panel in your car. If a light comes on from the sensory system that indicates, oil pressure problem, for example, this is designed to alert the driver to some possible preventative remedy for what might otherwise become a significant, damage to the vehicle. DISASSOCIATION is an endeavor to attempt recourse by snipping the wire to the indicator light and dismissing it from awareness. Unfortunately, this is a common and even encouraged response and BIG PHARMA makes trillions of dollars of revenue by luring us into such a mal-adaptive mechanism.

DYSASSOCIATED. The term that defines the mal-adaptation of PROJECTION or TRANSFERENCE onto other people or phenomena. Sometimes in order to reverse a chronic story off ill health, an early order of business ( and the body’s priority) is to reclaim responsibility for an association where outer circumstances are to blame for the current state of affairs. Techniques similar to PSYCHO- DRAMA might be utilized to, as CAROLINE MYSS aptly says, CALL YOUR SPIRIT back into yourself from a displacement (dysassociation), so that it can be re-engineered with a favorable outcome.

When we address this preliminary role call of ASSOCIATION, a significant amount of healing and resolve happen spontaneously as the body is reconnected to its own self-healing mechanisms. Many items on ones laundry list of symptoms will drop off the radar by this return to a more integrated state. If certain conditions prevail, the system has been highly upgraded in its proficiency for accurate and thorough self diagnosis via the kinesiology and is primed to process therapeutic measures in an enhanced way. Inner self reflection should include a pondering from this reference point of inquiry. “Before I react in a predictable, patterned way, what is my current state of association? Should i self correct, perhaps before I go to battle?”

Affirmation Slogans Beyond a Motto

I think its safe to say that current times are very challenging for the human psyche to keep pace with.  The human condition clamors for some reprieve from the frenzy and pace of things.  Out of a despair to reclaim meaning and authenticity to everyday life,  people will grasp at countless slogans that permeate the self help elements of this Information Age in a hopefulness that, “if only i could fulfill that slogan, everything would right itself”.  A  portion of our work here at Viewpoint is to examine the paradox as to why the throb of an affirmation approach to a slogan rarely works and then to provide a therapeutic effect that will resolve the impasse and actually allow a slogan to go beyond a motto and allow the person to embody the essence of what that slogan is trying to provide.

Change happens at the level of the subconscious, which is exponentially more powerful than the conscious.  Instead of trying to out-muscle the conscious with an external tenet that is the opposite of what we are currently running left to our own devices,  we recognize that the change we seek is distinctly possible, but must come about in a sequence of shifts that re-engineer the memoranda in the subconscious that is negative, to an inventory of positive association that yields a result we’ve been looking for.

To embody a slogan it must become internalized as a living dynamic that is so rooted into our fiber that there is no need to mantrasize it.  (in fact doing so is counter productive in that the subconscious will resist it and figure that the conscious system is in relative despair that it would have to resort to such a tactic). In order to achieve the shift we are seeking, the first order of business is to erase the current paint on the canvas of our point of view / consciousness.  In our subjective experience, this takes the form of Letting Go.  In physics, it takes the form of converting incoherent frequencies that polarize and divide thought and awareness, to coherent frequencies that have the opposite effect of unifying, forgiving, reconciliation, etc.  The idea of letting go shifts from a terrorizing proposition to a welcome choice that yields a result we’ve been looking for.  We are pre-approved to be able to take a slogan that we are drawn to and truly embody it, as if we were reconnecting to an old friend.

Here are some slogans that I like.  Imagine the inner shift within yourself if you were to awaken an actual mechanism that was the natural epitome of the slogan and extrapolate this change to the collective unconscious as it spread among human beings, then picture how our sociology would be different as a reflection of it.

Let Go and let God

Fake it till you Make it

What you resist persists

Shift from problem based to solution based. (this invites us to live as if we were already IN the solution)

Call your Spirit back   

Refrain from judgement until you’ve walked a mile in your adversary’s moccasins

Never eat the yellow snow

Have keen discernment when picking your battles

Health care is more about teaching one how to fish as opposed to providing fish


It is easy during the course of a treatment session to specifically use a slogan that the patient believes in, but the results continue to be elusive, and ask the body precisely what the inner obstacles are that keep the result at bay.  When these issues are modified in a way that inner detriment becomes inner asset, the slogan quality naturally percolates.

Sometimes the body will mandate that we visit this department of slogans when it knows that a dysfunction around the tenet of a particular slogan is a known obstacle to that persons advancement from some other underlying malady.  The resolve of any of these will impart a new skill set to the person which promotes the capacity for accurate self critique and self healing.

When contemplating what you want to get out of a given visit, give some thought to a slogan that you particularly want to embody and we can work with it.  The shift in yourself is your responsibility and this work will help you accomplish this.  The shift in the collective unconscious will be affected as it resonates with your positive change.