Aetiology of Illness: Chronic Mal-Adaptation

One principle that is a necessary component in affecting a healing process is examining the very nature of the HABITAT in which the problem exists. This idea dates back to the time of Louis Pasteur, who, on his deathbed, made a profound statement. It is believed he said as his dying words,“The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.” This was a shock to his followers in hearing the father of Germ Theory proclaim that his whole life work was misguided and built on a false premise. He encouraged his followers at that moment of truth not to invest in the study of killing bugs, instead to focus on the restoration of an optimal inner terrain, which would spawn health and not welcome illness. A metaphor we use frequently is the notion of a hotel on the highway. If a car is a germ or illness, when it passes a possible host, there is signage: “VACANCY” or “NO VACANCY.” This will reflect a fundamental inner status. Are we self-declared as either a HARBORER of malady or a DISPELLER? This concept permeates most of the methodologies used in the Viewpoint Wellness approach.

If you are in a place of relative integration, physiologically, neurologically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, illness will have no foothold in which to take up residency. If you are segregated or dormant in the same regards, it is a matter of time until disease will spawn.

Various factors affect the overall status of the terrain and our message to illness that might be lurking. Some are physical, like stagnation, compromised nerve supply, toxicity, inadequate immunology, acidity vs alkalinity and imbalance, to name a few. As a holistic clinic that realizes the value in having a myriad of tools, we can address these sort of issues if they are indeed a part of the terrain compromise for that patient. However, after thirty years of listening to people's inner display via kinesiology, we would have to say that the psychological mechanisms of CHRONIC MAL-ADAPTATION contribute the greater share of vulnerability and bias to our systems.


A preface to understanding mal-adaptation

One of our favorite books, one of those reads that gives you the sense that the world would be a dramatically better place if everyone could reside in the reference point that it guides us to, is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements. He opens his treatise by guiding out of a myopic view of life into the perspective that we can see how we’ve been DOMESTICATED in our thoughts and outlooks, no longer original, but conditioned by the drift of the culture.

It applies to the process when one wants to examine the wellness, or not, of one's VIEWPOPINT. In any process of change, step one involves the emancipation from the current perspective that binds our consciousness. Viewpoint modification can be an on ongoing process of change that is tied to our personal evolution. This process is fueled by becoming fluent in the skill of LETTING GO. Almost any visit that takes place for any patient involves this alchemy of seeing the forest through the trees and electing to change residence of Viewpoint as a result of the upgrade of insight.

If we are going to go into battle it is helpful to be briefed in advance as to the nature of the enemy and to be able to anticipate just what tactics will be encountered when this inner alchemy is in motion. It is also wise to be well versed in the contents of your own tool bag and have the skills to use them. In this type of pursuit, it is also useful to see yourself having already met the objective, feeling and acting like you have already arrived at the target consciousness.

The forces that require our escape velocity

Outer: Social Domestication, Conformity Pressures, Collective Unconscious, Industries that profit on our Current shortcomings of Viewpoint

Inner: The interest in our own pain avoidance and pleasure seeking methods. (See the cast of a typical mal-adaptive Cabinet)

Both inner and outer forces carry the illusion of permanency and prey on our segregated inner terrain. The field that harbors these errors of Viewpoint are full of incoherent wave patterns. A subjective narrative ensues in an attempt to glue a myriad of fragments together, always with futility.

Step 1: Change the Physics (reinstating a field that is by nature integrative).

Step 2: Surrender the current, negative Narrative knowing that the story that emerges from the rubble will be enhanced, healthier, and become expressive of your true nature.

Step 3: Establish New Alliance: the Law of Attraction will radar in a set of tools to maintain the Viewpoint shift and give it an Avenue of Expression.

the alchemy of change

It is nice to see that a fair amount of the description for the process of malady, as well as the efficacy of treatment modalities, is scientific in nature. Where as the venture of shift of Viewpoint seems to mostly take place in a subjective domain, there is some solid ground that supports it that is more objective.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

A discovery from Quantum Physics invites us into an examination of the very nature of matter itself. Experiments that were performed from an assumption that a particle should act like a particle revealed that a particle would collapse into a wave and follow all the expectations of a wave almost spontaneously. That same frequency could then, if conditions favored it, re-invent itself as a new particle but this time in an entirely new context. Upon being able to reproduce these findings, conclusions surfaced that claimed that there was no such thing as an objective experiment, as the shift from wave to particle was actually interactive with the intention/consciousness of the experimenter! On the surface this could be perceived as terrifying in our new perception that our world is less stable than we once thought, but it is also a source of great opportunity for growth as it supports the alchemy of change. The principles of LETTING GO and re-invention are not improbable, lofty flights of fancy, but actual hard science of how consciousness and phenomena intertwine, lending credence to how we approach many of our objectives for healing and a actualization of one's potential.

a few slogans/themes that have a scientific basis

Fake it till you make it

If you build it, they will come

Law of attraction

What your Resist, Persists

Attitude of Gratitude

When we have a story around how the objective world is conspiring against us, it is science that says to re-examine the premise in that any props and cast of characters in that story are only present because of the story itself! It also is the foundation that validates a process of shift of consciousness from a problem-based to a solution-based Viewpoint. Slogans are not band-aids or external concepts. Rather a slogan should become a modus operandi within you. Your own field is creating your reality. To change your field, put your attention on the solution and not the problem and the solution will present itself. Viewpoint Wellness takes advantage of this science to see you through ongoing processes of LETTING GO, reinventing and attaining your best possible Viewpoint.

See bio photon device in TREATMENT MODALITIES LEARN MORE →

An awareness shift is necessary here to recognize that stress isn’t as much as a product of life itself, rather, a reflection of an inherent stress-ability, based on an error of Viewpoint and a story we author and execute from within.

What We Resist, Persists & An Attitude of Gratitude Brings Forth Resolve

When our field is integrated and we are positively associated, we can see that what we thought was our obstacle is much more of a subjective and energetic issue than one that is objective and external. To have the experience is a blessing in disguise in that when resolution occurs, we can proceed in life with a new modus operandi. Our strategy is now to take responsibility for our own experience and health and to repair the flaws of physics and faulty narrative that manifest themselves as our condition. What takes place when we hold this Viewpoint cannot be described in words here, because it is such a specific, personalized epiphany that occurs. One typically won't know how it happened, but will know in no uncertain terms that they are now operating from a fresh, highly preferred, resolved Viewpoint!

The likelihood of being able to cross the finish line with this shift goes up if there is little or no ambiguity around the state we’re trying to LET GO. Some further articulation around the notion of  “what compels us to do what we do” and “how many cooks are in my kitchen” or “why are these lobbyists segmenting my notions,” may help to be able to more effectively pull the rug out from under these conditions that conflict us.

Each of us will have their own inner cabinet of infiltration in the Oval Office, based on our own unique histories and how well we have adapted to our personal sagas. We feel it is almost impossible to get well if this government is in its aberrant version of itself. Sometimes an overhaul is in order. Read the cast of characters section to see if you recognize the presence of these mal-adaptive mechanisms in yourself.

It is by no means imperative that this information be deciphered and endorsed by you. We include it for those who have the interest in a model for what finally brought about a health breakthrough. For some it adds to the skill of being able to self correct if the waters get choppy in the future. Per your interest, feel free to learn more about MAL-ADAPTATION and how it compromises quality of life by exploring content in the link below.