Freeing ourselves from subconscious bias, restoring fruitful associations and outlooks

Surrogation (Individual or Shared Field)
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One very interesting division of the profile of services available at Viewpoint Wellness involves the capacity to perform the diagnostics kinesiologically as well as impart therapeutics remotely. In surrogation work, we can diagnose and treat extremely accurately and effectively without having the physicality of a person present. A staff member acts as a surrogate for the person (or the bundling of a group of persons in the case of a shared field surrogation). This surrogate temporarily acts as the mouthpiece for the field of the person who has been imported in and is tested kinesiologically just like a treatment would take place in a physical setting. The field is also treated with all the same modalities and when the surrogation is complete, the field returns to the person, but is now very enhanced with new working orders and liberated from the siege of errors of VIEWPOINT. 


Any holistic model takes advantage of the fact that any phenomena is the sum total of an array of frequencies, some gross and some more subtle. The ability of the frequencies to have these properties because of this phenomena we have opportunities to do this remote healing. Large, slower frequencies will reflect themselves as more coarse, dense physical material, perceivable by the five senses. Simultaneously the same bundle of frequencies will also have smaller, higher vibratory wave patterns that are not seen or heard or felt very readily physically, but might be detected by devices with higher sensitivity. An example would be all the frequencies of light that are known to exist, but only a narrow band of this overall array is known as the visible light spectrum, seen by our eyes as the color of a rainbow. It is in the fact that high oscillation frequencies are not bound by laws of time and space and gravity that we can have the opportunity to execute remote healing.

We have seen more profound changes in surrogation sessions than direct ones. We surmise that this happens because there is no engagement academically with the patient and hence, no effort is made on behalf of the patient to pigeonhole or reject either the diagnosis or treatment to his/her perhaps limited Viewpoint. This yields a more dynamic and expanded animation of the changes and a greater therapeutic response.

We encourage you to take advantage of this technology for yourselves or for people you know. Often this process is gifted to friends and family members and couples by the people in their lives who want to see those involved rise to a higher level of fulfillment in their life process. It is very rewarding to assist with these efforts and see people release the various snags that bind them and hold them back.


Surrogation is a resource for people who are not able to visit us in person. Another likely application for this might include a person who does not want to come to the clinic setting by way of his or her own inner volition, even though they might need to be in the process fairly desperately, but are in denial. Sometimes a parent has a burning desire to get their teenager into the healing process and out of a negative Viewpoint, but any effort to get them in is counter productive, and further inflames and polarizes the dynamics of the family. Surrogation is a perfect resolve for this dilemma in that we can bypass the resistance and get the process started without aggravating the defenses that might be present. In fact, as we start making the modifications, the guardedness diminishes, and as the person starts to become more integrated, the personality will actually come on board too, and the person will willingly want to come in and will start to grasp and appreciate the process instead of trying to figure out ways to reject it.

This dynamic of importing the subtle frequencies, or energy field, listening to that field kinesiologically, making the prioritized changes that that field asks for, and then sending that field back to the physicality, can happen autonomously, but also for fields that are bundled together as a shared field (an example of this is a husband and wife).  

It is a marvel to see how a profound pattern of locking of horns can persist in the dynamics of a couple despite extensive efforts at counseling and other means of anecdotal help. The results are delightfully significant when the bundled or shared field can speak about the challenges that confound the energy of the bonded system and express the ways that these dynamics need to be modified.  When the field is sent back to the two individuals there is a palpable release of obstacle and physics that previously animated clash and divisiveness, which now bias the system positively, creating avenue for improved communication, a dropping of swords, reconciliation of difference, depth of feeling, heightened empathy, etc.

Shared Fields Learn More →

 Fill out the order form for yourself or for someone you wish to help and we will attend to it promptly and send you a summary of the results via email so that you can have insight and a pathway to facilitate the changes and the growth that will become available.