Reclaim the skill of letting go, thereby allowing natural life and health to unfold

Treatment Modalities

In a typical protocol, it is not uncommon to see the body also request ancillary help from the more conventional domains of structural work, utilizing the realm of CHEMISTRY for supplying to the body things that are deficient like vitamins, minerals, hormones, etc., and also removing things from the body that shouldn’t be there like toxins, bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. The body may also call for AURICULAR THERAPY (ear acupuncture) for rebooting purposes, changing programs, installing the latest updates to our software systems and BODY ACUPUNCTURE to make sure that new orders are distributed thoroughly throughout the body for a more unanimous response and implementation.

+ auricular therapy

Ear acupuncture (or the stimulation of points via magnets, pellets, lasers, sound, etc.) can catalyze profound changes in the body. The influence seems to be even more profound when it addresses issues of Viewpoint and how the needs of letting go, uninstalling and re-installing, can be achieved. The use of a point finder (a device that alerts us to a point of high conductivity and lower resistance) will indicate the precise point(s) on the ear that will attend to a specific objective that locked into the system beforehand. It is an intriguing therapy in that the body retains the object of stimulation for as long as it needs it in order to complete the project at hand. Patients will often comment on this interval (a week to ten days is average) as a time that they cherish and can feel a lessening of the grip of a fruitless Viewpoint and the emerging of a revived Viewpoint that they inherently know is true to their calling.

+ bio photon device

The key feature of this modality is the technology of frequency cancellation. Other sections on the site describe the inability to LET GO. This impasse is, at least in part, held in by the inflexibility that flows from incoherent wave forms in our energy fields. We have seen that this property of physics, in its aberrant form, keeps us in segregation and corroborative malady not only regarding inner dynamics, but also holding us in mal-adaptive recourse patterns as we cling for something to hold on to outside ourselves. When it comes time to shift our inner narrative and attract circumstances to verify the expression of authenticity, we need that beacon to go out on a symmetric sine wave, not a distorted one that produces only static. Used in conjunction with reprogramming from the auricular therapy, this therapeutic duo can initiate changes in even the most stonewalled system.

+ Micro Current Therapy

This therapy is also another way to customize changes in the field that might be holding segregated sub-fields within it. The body might ask for this influence to affect these barriers so that the field is unified again. This can be like a peace treaty interjected into a zone of high militarization within us. I often see a huge sigh of relief as this therapy is being applied as the patient is invited into an overview. Maligned perspective evaporates and the core self emerges from its' chrysalis.

+ Bio-Cranial Therapy

This is a technique I had the privilege of learning somewhat recently. I was drawn to it, as it fit the model of potentially being able to re-boot some key executive processes in the body. It contributes to a more unanimous response throughout the body, due to its affect on the far-reaching memoranda that alerts the nervous, immune, drainage, ligamentous, muscular, fascia, connective tissue systems, etc., to the cessation of working orders that don’t serve us, and the installation of new leadership in the body with more enlightened objectives.

+ Color Therapy

One modality used in the Viewpoint model involves the benefits of COLOR THERAPY. This is a brilliant body of work from Steven Vazquez, who has made certain discoveries as to how the emotional and spiritual bodies can be positively affected by trajectories of frequencies from certain colors into the retina of our eyes. The body seems to love this form of suggestion to the overall beingness, as it readily transforms negative, or locked emotion and energy, and integrates it back into a disposition of Wholeness.


There are numerous PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL filters that can be proposed to the body that are recognized as being on board, and then resolved, furthering the precision of response. We can also look at other energetic issues like electromagnetic pollution that can zap our circuits and sabotage results. All of these other holistic proposals (there are in excess of 4000 different conditions that we have vocabulary for) can either be stand alone issues that the body will display or they might come up because they play a part in mal-adaptive schemes. Either way, we are grateful to have such a vast palate of so much vocabulary to propose to the system and each concern will then display exactly what it will take therapeutically to resolve it.

The healing practices employed by Dr. Drew have assisted me through a wide variety of life challenges ranging from tinnitus to trauma. I have called upon his services to help heal, physical, emotional, family, educational and career challenges. He thoughtfully explained his practices and demonstrated his unique techniques for communicating with the body to garner a thoughtful and high priority diagnosis as well as accessible treatment options. He has highly effective tools and continued to expand his healing modalities over the years. With Dr. Drew’s healing treatments, I have been able to save thousands of dollars on talk therapy and honed in on the most effective elements to heal my body and my life! If you are considering a treatment with him, don’t hesitate! Give his practical and deeply researched methods a try! You will be glad you did!
— Yvette Murrell