Just as discordance can be remedied in an individual, so can interference and reactivity be quelled in the concept of shared fields 

Surrogation (Individual or Shared Field)
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Shared Field Surrogation

The ability to work with people on a quantum level in surrogation provides a special opportunity that allows us to be able to supply value and modify VIEWPOINT to someone without the persons’ physical presence. Just like in the Surrogation work for an individual, where assessment of an energy field is made and corrections are imparted to it, the same methodology can be utilized for particular bundles of energy fields that are shared. The most likely fusions of energy fields are among husbands and wives, family tree constellations, colleagues, teammates, as well as members of groupings that might comprise a neighborhood, city, country, etc.


A scenario tailor made for shared field assessment and therapy:

Marital Impasse: The scenario of coupleship on the brink of divorce or energy fracture is usually volatile and presents itself with heavy atmosphere. The legal phrase describes the dual disposition "irreconcilable differences," a place of disposition between both parties where Viewpoints and adaptive mechanisms are at full clash and escape seems to be the only viable recourse. Sometimes a shared field is commissioned as the last resort to save the connection. The impasse is almost always defused when mal-adaptation is resolved with a three-prong approach. Both parties undergo adjustments within themselves (swords that are easily drawn as a result of a highly lobbied subconscious are surrendered when a more integrated state is attained). This is done by autonomous treatment to each person either live or via surrogation.

After these remedies take place for each person autonomously, the third vector of influence is to query the Shared Field, where the two fields are fused as a shared sector, as a result of their history together and having a potential life purpose together. It is always fascinating to see the display from the kinesiology and precipitating causes with a shared field as it almost always provides understanding into the basis that lead to the irreconcilable difference disposition. The field will point out loops of discordance that are on board, such as when belief systems clash, and even more importantly, when one person's lobbyist modus operandi triggers the other person's mal-adaptation and the volcano erupts. These dynamics are rarely amenable to talk therapy, or dogmatic conscious efforting, as the ingredients of the problem are deep in the subconscious and clash of narrative within. In a shared field surrogation session, these loops are systematically untangled and the result is that the shared field is not only liberated from negative bias and trigger happy reactivity, but can now emanate a new set of qualities, positive associations and expressions.

The new positive bias becomes a resource for a fulfilling linkage between the fields. We can recall countless occasions, when after checking in with the content of a shared field and making the modifications that the field needed assistance with, of getting a call that the next time the couple was in physical proximity, both parties noticed the palpable shift that swords were put away, empathy and compassion permeated the field, and things started to work out. We encourage you to utilize this tool when you or someone you know is stuck and can't seem to move into healthy context within their coupleship. It makes an amazing difference.

We have seen people take advantage of this technology in other aspects that show wonderful imagination and versatility 

additional scenarios 

1) A person knows that the date of an upcoming interview for a job or admission to a college is approaching and in advance addresses the shared field of his/herself merged with the fields of the members of the committee that makes the decisions. The process runs serendipitously smooth and the desired outcome materializes.  We encourage you to think outside the box when positive opportunities are on the horizon and you want to pre-load your best possible contingency to increase the likelihood of best possible outcome!

2) In the workplace there is an ominous cloud of poor communication and mistrust. A patient acts as a surrogate for the shared field of this roster of inefficiency and malcontent. The result is a happier, supportive atmosphere that gets work done in a positive way and everyone feels job security, respect for co-workers empathy, etc.

3) Patients of a philanthropic mindset will propose the bundling of the people that seem to be in the midst of sociological malady and feel a need to try to intervene. They have become disheartened at what we all see on the news on any given evening: violence, poverty, corruption, exploitation, health problems, natural disasters, etc. When a bundle is indeed an entity that can be treated, there is a release from an error in energetic configuration that pulls large numbers of people along with it. Upon its repair, people can function autonomously in a healthy way, animated by positive associative forces, so that the energy applied to causes is pre-formatted toward more unified, compassionate efforts that are then evidenced by societal change. We believe this work can and does tip the scales toward a more peaceful world.

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